Economy and human resources


RDA Green Karst, ltd. wants to establish closer cooperation with businesses in the Primorsko-notranjska region and wider. This is based on the development priority "Economic Development of the Primorko-notranjska region" in the Regional Development Programme of the Primorsko-notranjska region 2021-2027.

The region's economy is characterised by traditionally oriented but strong industry, especially in the metalworking and toolmaking sectors. The region still faces a modest R&D activity, but at the same time there is also a revival of entrepreneurial activity, which is partly linked to a strengthened infrastructure to support entrepreneurship. Strengthening the economy is one of the key priorities of the Primorsko-notranjska region and the objectives of this priority are:

  • to improve the competitiveness of the regional economy, in particular by strengthening new, prospective industries and by transforming existing activities in line with sustainable orientations to green and digital,
  • to further stimulate the development of entrepreneurship, by raising the level of innovation of entrepreneurs and by strengthening the support environment for entrepreneurship,
  • to stimulate research and development activities in the region's enterprises, through incentives for businesses and
  • through strengthening the networking between enterprises and knowledge institutions,
  • strengthening the support to the economy in the area of internationalisation of enterprises and attracting foreign investment,
  • retaining and developing quality human resources to meet the needs of the economy,
  • to encourage the development and exploit the potential of the wood-processing sector,
  • to ensure the sustainable development of the destination, strengthen the promotion and development of the tourism offer.

In order to achieve these objectives, the RDP of the Primorsko-notranjska region 2021-2027 sets out the following measures:

  • competitive economy,
  • sustainable economy,
  • a supportive environment for the economy,
  • development of human resources to meet the needs of the economy,
  • internationalisation of the region,
  • sustainable management of the Green Karst destination.

In addition to taking care of development at the system level of the whole region, RDA green Karst, ltd. also provides a range of support services for current and future entrepreneurs.



The Primorsko-notranjska region recognises the potential of human resources, particularly in relation to increasing the competitiveness of the economy. The development of human resources to meet the needs of the economy is an important measure to achieve the objectives of the economic development priority.

The objectives of the measure Human resources development for the economy are as follows:

  • to provide qualified human resources for the needs of the economy in the region,
  • to encourage young people to enter education and training for technical professions and to develop the competences of technical staff,
  • to adapt existing jobs to the needs of specific target groups (years of service, changed intensity of work, reconciliation of private and professional life, etc.),
  • to encourage the creation of new jobs.

The region is also focusing on strengthening its human resources potential with the aim to:

  • provide a highly skilled workforce adapted to the needs of the regional economy,
  • provide the right conditions for quality work and life, tailored to the needs of the population,
  • provide adequate social support to vulnerable and marginalised groups, with the purpose of increasing their social inclusion and their activation,
  • exploit the potential of education, training and lifelong learning to develop a competent, contented, healthy and engaged population,
  • maintain the health of the population of the Primorsko-notranjska region, through adequate health infrastructure and services and through the provision of leisure activities that contribute to the physical and mental health of the population (culture, sport),
  • adapt social and health systems to the needs of the population by creating additional capacities and innovative social services.

The Regional Development Programme of the Primorsko-notranjska region 2021-2027 foresees five key actions to achieve these objectives:

  • quality of training, education and lifelong learning,
  • improving labour market efficiency and access to quality employment,
  • an inclusive and attractive region,
  • healthy and active life and quality of life in the region,
  • the non-governmental sector as a development potential for the region.