Objavljena Znanstvena publikacija skupnosti za trajnostni turizem


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Z veseljem objavljamo prvo skupno znanstveno delo skupnosti za trajnostni turizem (STC). Razpis za prispevke modularnih projektov, ki je bil objavljen julija 2019, je dosegel vrhunec v objavi posebnega oddelka v znanstveni reviji Turizem: mednarodni interdisciplinarni časopis. Odsek sta v imenu STC uredila Spyros Niavis in Dora Papatheochari in ima naslov "Ponovno upoštevanje razvoja turizma v Sredozemlju. Razmišljanja skupnosti za trajnostni turizem INTERREG MED"



Oddelek je sestavljen iz treh celotnih raziskovalnih člankov in enega kratkega sporočila, ki so ga sestavili partnerji projektov CASTWATER, ShapeTourism, Co-Evolve in BLUEMED. Prispevki predstavljajo znanstveno izhodišče najpomembnejših rezultatov projektov in njihov prispevek k povečanju trajnosti na območju Sredozemlja. Posebno pozornost smo namenili ciljem spremljanja turizma in valorizaciji naravnega okolja v smeri trajnostnega razvoja turizma. Naslovi, avtorji in kratek opis prispevkov so navedeni spodaj v angleškem jeziku.



An online tool on sustainable water management

Authors: Christos Bouras, Vasileios Kokkinos, Evangelos Michos

The authors discuss the nuts and bolts of an online tool to monitor and assess sustainable tourism water management developed under the CASTWATER project. Analysis seeks to highlight how the tool could be useful for SMEs in order to self-evaluate their performance in sustainable water management and for policy makers at both regional and local level, in order to improve sustainable water management.

Tourism Observatories for monitoring MED destinations performance. The case of ShapeTourism project

Authors: Dario Bertocchi, Nicola Camatti, Jan Van der Borg

The paper analyzes the potential of Virtual Tourism Observatories to secure a reliable monitoring of tourism development. To this end, the authors present the rationale of Smart Integrated Tourism Data System (SITDS) being developed under the ShapeTourism project. More precisely, they assess the functionality of the ShapeTourism prototype including two different tools: an observatory with official and unofficial indicators, and a simulation tool to predict different scenarios and different sustainability levels.

Measuring and monitoring sustainability of coastal tourism destinations in the Mediterranean

Authors: Harry Coccossis, Antonia Koutsopoulou

This paper deals with the challenge of adapting general indicators frameworks to the particularities of various types of Mediterranean destinations and explains the approach followed by the Co-Evolve project. The project developed a framework that measures and monitors sustainability at the local level by introducing a three-tier monitoring system consisting of core, destination and area specific indicators.

The Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites (AUCHS) as a sustainable tourism development opportunity in the Mediterranean Region

Authors: Angelos Manglis, Anastasia Fourkiotou, Dimitra Papadopoulou

In this short communication, the authors emphasize the need to develop Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites (AUCHS) and demonstrate how the BLUE MED project responded to this need by developing such sites in the Mediterranean. The authors pay particular attention on the role of new technology and showcase how the new technologies such as Augmented Reality can foster the sustainability of underwater natural and cultural heritage.

We would like to thank all the community members for their contribution and we foresee their active participation in the future. We are also thankful to the editorial board of the Tourism Journal and especially to Josip Mikulic and Renata Tomljenovic for successfully handling all the submissions and all the reviewers who provided useful recommendations. Moreover, we would like to thank Zrinka Marusic for her valuable assistance in formulating this Special Section. Finally, we would be happy to receive any inquiries or proposals for future similar initiatives through this form.